
a nonprofit organization

founded by Prof. Maria Kuman, PhD, Medical Biophysicist
1414 Barcelona Dr.
Knoxville, TN 37923.
Tel. 865-309-4901

I. Mission: To do research at the frontier of science aiming to help people with autism, cancer, and Alzheimer disease, for which we don’t have cure.  I have developed a super-sensitive equipment allowing me to measure the weak nonlinear electromagnetic field of the body, which rules and regulates everything in the body not with its strength, but with the information it carries. We started speaking about informational fields only after we started building Quantum Computers. What allows me to march ahead of our time is my lifelong study of the weak nonlinear electromagnetic field of the body, the information of which rules and regulates everything in the body, i.e. determines the human regulated mechanisms.

II. Executive Summary: The Holistic Research Institute aims to develop understanding about the nature of autism, cancer, Alzheimer disease, etc. by measuring the imbalance in the body regulating mechanisms that caused them. This is an innovative approach, on which our future medicine would be based. Our contemporary medicine is strong when dealing with infectious diseases caused by germs, but helpless in the case of autism, cancer, Alzheimer disease, and chronic diseases. This gap can only be filled with research done by Holistic Research Institutes, as the proposed one.

III. General Company Description: The regulating mechanisms in our body are like the thermostats regulating the temperature in the house. The thermostat works with one or two batteries (of 1.5 volts each), and these weak currents rule and regulate the work of the heating furnace, which operates on 220 volts. Similarly, the processes in our body are ruled and regulated by weak currents and I have developed very sensitive electronic equipment allowing me to measure these weak, but important, currents that rule and regulate everything in the body.

The purpose of creating such “Holistic Institute” is to study the body as a whole and accumulate knowledge on its regulating mechanisms. The necessity of such innovative study is obvious. We know much about the cells and their functioning at molecular level, but we don’t know much about how our body operates as a whole and what are the regulating mechanisms that make the whole body run smoothly and harmoniously when healthy. The lack of harmony and synchrony is what makes us feel sick and what we call disease.

I, Prof. Kuman, worked at molecular level for many years, and finally I realized that I know a lot about the body’s molecular structure, but I don’t know much how the body functions, and I wanted to know. I started working on this more than thirty years ago. First, I developed high sensitivity equipment, which allowed me to measure the body balance and see if the regulating mechanisms are in balance or not. Second, based on the measurements I created a number of nonlinear mathematical models explaining how stress shifts the regulating mechanisms out of balance and causes chronic diseases.

Since I am the only one having such sensitive equipment, there is no competition, and not only can I do the measurements and collect data, I have the required knowledge on Mathematics and Nonlinear Physics to mathematically describe and explain the experimentally observed phenomena. I have written 12 books on health and some of them are on the regulating mechanisms. The books are copyrighted, I have ISBN numbers for them, and I have a self-publishing company since 1993.

In the US, we presently have a lot of institutions working at molecular level. However, now when we build Quantum Computers operating with informational fields, the necessity of Holistic Institute, which works with the informational field that rules and regulates everything in the body, is obvious - to study the body as a whole and accumulate knowledge on the body regulating mechanisms.
This is going to be the medicine of the future. Our medicine is very powerful in the cure of infectious diseases, but powerless to deal with chronic diseases. Painkillers are the only remedies presently used to temporarily numb the chronic pain. The holistic approach of the offered Holistic Research Institute will help us accumulate knowledge on the regulating mechanisms and learn how to deal with Autism, cancer, Alzheimer disease, chronic diseases, etc.


IV. Operational Plan: The first objectives of our Holistic Research Institute would be to:
1/ Study of autistic children with the purpose of finding what is wrong with their regulating mechanisms, which cause the behavior problems of these children. My preliminary measurements are very encouraging. I found severe imbalance, which means that the regulating mechanisms are seriously out of balance. However, the type of imbalance was different for different children. After I spoke with people who teach autistic children, I learned that the category autistic children is very wide and includes many different types.

My measurements would allow me to group the autistic children according to their type of imbalance, which would allow a precise diagnosis. The next step would be to look for ways to restore the balance within each group and make these children normal. Presently, the research on autism is done at molecular level, but it would take 100 years of research at molecular level to understand what is wrong with autistic children.

I offer a holistic approach starting with the question what is wrong with the regulating mechanisms of these children causing the behavior problems they have. Funding might be a problem because I have already spoken with Autism Speak. They told me that they cannot issue the grant to a person, only to academic institutions and I am a retired University Professor not connected any more with academic institution. But there are also other organizations that offer grants, like Berkley Bedell Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine, etc.
2/ Study Alzheimer’s patients with the purpose of finding the type of imbalance in their regulating mechanisms that led to dementia. Then we will be looking for ways to restore the normal functioning of Alzheimer’s brains. Research done at MIT and Moscow gives big hopes. Presently, all efforts are concentrated on finding a drug that could restore the normal functioning of the brain, i.e. chemical intervention.

However, since when the dementia is present and the amyloid crystalline plagues are already formed in the brain, it is difficult to melt these plagues, we will offer ways to detect subtle changes that precede the disease and find ways to prevent the disease. Hopefully, funding could come from the American Brain Foundation, if they are open-minded to our prevention approaches, or Berkley Bedell Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine, etc.

3/ Study of cancer patients with the purpose of finding what is wrong with their regulating mechanisms that the cells start to multiply senselessly (malignancy). Once we know the type of imbalance specific for cancer, we hope to find a way to restore the balance. Since changes in the rhythm of body temperature have been observed many years before the malignancy would appear, we know that we will be able to detect changes in the regulating mechanisms long before malignancy appear. The World Health organization underlines that in the war with cancer we should concentrate our efforts on early detection and prevention and the efforts of our Holistic Research Institute will be concentrated exactly on this. Funding will come from APS organization, which offers grants: Physics and Cancer, or Berkley Bedell Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine, etc.


V. Financial Plan: Funding will come from grants. As said, for:

1/ Study of autistic children funding could come from Autism Speak, but they told me they cannot issue a grant to a person, only to academic institutions. Since I am a retired University Professor, I am not a member of academic institution any more. But there are also other organizations that offer grants, like Berkley Bedell Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine, etc.

 2/ Study of Alzheimer’s patients funding could come from the American Brain Foundation, if they are open-minded to our prevention approaches, or Berkley Bedell Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine, etc.

3/ Study of cancer patients funding could come from APS organization, which offers grants: Physics and Cancer, or Berkley Bedell Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine, etc.


VI. Use of Funds:

1/ Salary to support the preliminary research.
2/ Future funds will be used for hiring people and renting more permanent facility.
3/ Location of the Holistic Research Institute: The Holistic Research Institute will be located at the beginning in Prof. Kuman residence address: 1414 Barcelona Dr., Knoxville, TN 37923. When enough funds are available allowing hiring people and renting or buying a place, the Institute would move to its own place.

4/ Needed Software: At certain point, we will need software because the equipment needs to be computerized and software will be necessary for the purpose. We will also need a webpage with visibility and blog with visibility announcing the current events and activities of the Holistic Research Institute.

VII. Board of Directors of the Holistic Research Institute:
1. Prof. Maria Kuman, PhD – Director and Founder
2. Barbara Hall, registered nurse
3. Allan Farvin - professor
4. Bret Siegel - accountant
5. Jacky Kittrel – lawyer


VIII. Social Responsibility: The Holistic Research Institute (HRI) will have as a satellite Advanced Holistic Academy (AHA), whose purpose would be to teach in popular lectures and webinars what the Holistic Institute is doing and finding, so that our society can benefit from our findings.
When enough holistic knowledge is accumulated, we will start having workshops teaching the medical doctors holistic medicine, so that their patients can benefit from our findings.