his book reveals the secrets of the pyramids - who built them, when, and for what purpose. The author of the book also reveals the ancient history and destiny of the lost tribes of Israel and the ancient history of the Celts, for whom the western historians say they don't know who these people were and from where they came. She did this through searching and reading ancient texts written in the native languages of many nations.
The so-called Celts were actually a mixture of many tribes. They came from Asia, but they were not Asian tribes. They were descendants of Noah mixed with Aryans, who fled to Middle Asia after a local flood of the Black Sea 7,000 years ago. When 5,000 years later they went back to Europe, the Greeks called them 'Kelti', which means 'Strangers' in Greek; the Romans called them 'Galli', which means 'Strangers' in their Latin language.
Thus, if you are a Caucasian: Celt, Welsh, Hun, Bulgarian, from the lost tribes of Israel, or a Native American (Cherokee, Oneida, Seneca, Dakota (Lakota), Iroquois), you must read this book about your glorious ancestors. They were descendants of Japheth, son of Noah, mixed with Aryans and the oldest cities uncovered south of Ararat on Turkish territory, Chatal Huyuk and Gobekli Tepe dated 7500 B.C., were most likely their first cities built after Noah's Flood.
If Noah's people built cities and irrigation facilities, as they did, they must have had advanced agriculture. The truth about the glorious civilized ancestry of Noah's descendants was in ancient manuscripts stored in the library of Alexandria. But the library was burned and now we are trying to piece together the truth by comparing ancient texts with archeological, anthropological, and genetic studies.
The book also offers a new glimpse to the ancient history and destiny of the lost tribes of Israel. It also reveals the mystery of sun worshiping, as well as the mystery of building mounds and pyramids in Asia, Europe, Africa, and America.