rof. Maria Kuman reveals the secrets of the pyramids in her book Mounds and Pyramids - Who Built Them? More details can be found in her science fiction book Earthly God from the Outer Space and her books Science Speaks of God, Are We Martians or Atlantians? - Going to the Past to Meet the Future, When Atlantis Rises Again, and New Apocalypse? - What the Ancients Knew that We Don't Know. Pyramids were found all over planet earth in: Egypt, China, the Pacific Ocean, North, Central, and South America, Bosnia and Northern Italy, and even Antarctica.
'Pyramid' is a Greek word: 'Pyr' means 'Fire' and 'amid' means 'in the middle'. What kind of fire are we talking about? I am Prof. Kuman and my specialty is nonlinear electromagnetic fields, which have alternating vortices spinning clockwise and sucking energy in and anti-vortices spinning counter-clockwise and emitting energy out. The electromagnetic fields of our Earth and Sun are nonlinear and they breathe energy in through their vortices and breathe energy out through their anti-vortices, which are abundant in their equatorial zones of 30° north and south of the equator.
All pyramids on Earth (in China, Egypt, Bosnia,
Italy, Mexico) were built in the active equatorial zone of 300 north
and south of the equator, where the volcanic and seismic activities are
maximal. Obviously, the pyramids were built on top of magnetic anti-vortices
emitting earth energy (fire), to reduce the coming from the earth energy, which
if not reduced with pyramids will be released as destructive seismic and
volcanic energy (see my book: Mounds
and Pyramids Who Built Them [4]).
The pyramids found on Mars were also in the zone
300 north and south of the equator. Obviously, the Martian pyramids
were built very long time ago when Mars still had liquid magma and active
volcanic and seismic activity to decrease the destructive power of these
activities. How long time ago were the pyramids on Earth built? Recent dating
of the Bosnian pyramids with C14 indicated that they were built about 30,000 years ago. (See www.ancient-code.com/bosnian-pyramids/)
Everywhere on Earth, the pyramids were built as a
complex of 3 pyramids. In Egypt, the biggest Giza pyramid (the Cheops pyramid),
which has King’s and Queen’s chambers, was built on top of magnetic anomaly as
the bitter experience of Dr. Alvaretz showed. Dr. Alvaretz (a
famous US physicist) went to Egypt with the intension to measure cosmic rays in
the Egyptian Great Pyramid of Giza [1]. He could not measure anything because the
arrows of his instruments were moving left and right, which meant that the
pyramid was built on top of magnetic anomaly.
However, later Dr. Alvaretz was able to measure
cosmic rays in the pyramid of Khafra (from the Giza
complex of 3 pyramids) ([2] p. 146, [3] p. 15), which is smaller than the
Cheops pyramid. The fact that Dr. Alvaretz was able
to measure cosmic rays in the smaller Khafra pyramid
(next to the big Cheops pyramid) proved that the smaller two pyramids built
nearby the big pyramid were not built on top of magnetic anomalies. The smaller
two pyramids were probably built to enhance the effect of the larger pyramid.
texts claim that the biggest pyramid (with King’s and Queen’s chambers) was
used as a temple. To understand this, let’s recall that the ancient God Yahweh
(Tetragrammaton) was pictured as two pyramids – one with top up, the other with
top down inscribed in a sphere and intersecting at 1/3 from the height of the
upside pyramid. Since the King’s chamber was built at a distance 1/3 from the
height of the pyramid, this is where the emitted earth energy (the upside down
pyramid) and the cosmic energy harvested by the pyramid (the upright pyramid)
meet (see my books: Science Speaks of
God [6] and New Apocalypse?
What the Ancient Knew that We Don’t Know? [7]).
This makes the granite sarcophagus in the King's
chamber the place, where the earth energy (the upside down pyramid) and the
cosmic energy (the upward pyramid) meat. This makes the sarcophagus in the
King’s chamber a place for spiritual uplift. The crystal over the granite
sarcophagus served the purpose to enhance the energy effect. This proves that in
every complex of 3 pyramids, the Big pyramid with King’s chamber was built to
be a Temple for worshiping God Yahweh, and as a place for spiritual uplift.
Pharaohs were not found in the Egyptian pyramids or in any other set of 3 pyramids, for
the simple reason that pharaohs didn't build them and they were not intended to
be their burial place. The 3-pyramid complexes were built many thousands of
years before pharaoh's time. Proof of this is a papyrus stored in the Museum of
Cairo, which states that “the Gods in flesh built the pyramids, when they first
came to Earth from the outer space” (see details in my book Earthly Gods from the Outer Space
[5]. These Gods ruled on Earth and were worshiped as Gods for 23,200 years
according to Egyptian papyruses. The much smaller, pitiful, and halfway-eroded
pyramids next to the 3 big pyramids (see the photo) are probably what the
pharaohs built trying to imitate the Gods.
Another proof that the big 3 pyramids in Egypt are very old is the eroded body of the
Sphinx next to them, which shows severe water erosion, and the pyramids are in
the Sahara desert, where the climate is very dry. Therefore, the ancient pyramids
must have been built at an earlier time when the climate was different. Dramatic
changes in climate happen once in one cycle of precession of 25,720 years,
always during the Leo (Lion) Age, which is the most destructive age on planet
Earth (see my book: New Apocalypse?
What the Ancient Knew that We Don’t Know? [7]).
A stela (a stone plate
with inscriptions on it) in the museum of Cairo says that the Sphinx used to be
a lion, but lightening destroyed the head, and pharaoh Khufu put a sculpture of
his head instead. The Lion was and remains the largest sculpture on Earth. It
was built as a warning: 'Mind the Leo (Lion) Age - the Most Destructive Age on
Earth'. During the Leo (Lion) Age, the 3 big stars in the belt of Orion, the
heavy star of Regulus (of Leo constellation), and the
heavy star Sirius are on one line. Their sum-up gravitation locked the earth's
magnetic poles at 60° and didn’t allow them to flip to the normal 180°. This changed
the climate on Earth dramatically, which brought a lot of extinctions.
the Earth is flattened at the geographic poles, flipping of the magnetic poles
at 60° during the Leo (Lions) age required reshaping of the earth, which
brought a lot of seismic and volcanic activity with more extinctions. The huge
amount of released volcanic ash screened the Sun, which initiated a Big Ice Age
with more extinctions. According to study of the glaciers, the last Big Ice Age
commenced 12,500 years ago during the Leo (Lion) age. If the Sphinx shows water
erosion, it must be older than 12,500 years (for details read the books of
Prof. Kuman [4], [5], [6] and [7]).
we would project on earth the three stars from the constellation Orion, the way
they were 10,500 years ago, we would get the location of the three large
Egyptian pyramids. One more connection of Sirius to the pyramids: ancient
Egyptian texts revealed that the Gods in flesh (who built the pyramids and
ruled on Earth for 23,200 years) came from the forth planet orbiting the double
star Sirius. That is why the Egyptians knew precisely that the period of
orbiting of the two stars of Sirius around each other is 52 years (our science
says it is about 50 years) (New
Apocalypse? What the Ancients Knew that We Don’t Know? [7]).
Since dating with C14 of the 3 Bosnian-pyramids
showed that they were built about 30,000 years ago, all the pyramids must have
been built at least one cycle of precession before 10,500 years ago, i.e.
10,500 + 25,720 years (precession value of year 2000) = 36,220 years ago, i.e. during
the previous destructive Leo (Lion) age. During this earlier devastating Leo
(Lion) age about 36,000 years ago, islands sank in the Pacific Ocean according
to Avesta Scriptures of the Aryans. This is when the
islands of Lemuria (Mu) sank in the Pacific. Confirmation
(of how real this was) came from independent archeological study in Japan,
which found that a Big Flood flooded the Japanese islands 36,000 years ago.
Altogether this proves that the pyramids on Earth
were built during the devastating Leo (Lion) age of 36,000 years ago. The big
pyramids were built on top of anti-vortices emitting earth energy to decrease
this energy and its destructive power, which would be released as seismic and
volcanic activities (New Apocalypse?
What the Ancients Knew that We Don’t Know? [7]). The last devastating Leo
(Lion) age brought the last Big Ice Age of 12,500 years ago and the melting of
its huge polar ice caps caused Noah’s Flood. This is when the islands of
Atlantis sank in the Atlantic Ocean (see my books: New Apocalypse? What the Ancients Knew that We Don’t Know?
[7], When Atlantis Rises Again
[8], and Are We Martians or Atlantians? Going to the Past to Meet the Future
[9]). Obviously, islands sank during each devastating Leo (Lion) Age, but it
seems that the sinking of islands in the Atlantic and the Pacific alternate.
An intact pyramid was sighted near Lhasa high in
the Himalayas during World War II (see my book: Earthly Gods from the Outer Space [5]). The big pyramid had
crystal on the top and its surface was smooth and shiny. The smooth walls of
the pyramids indicate that originally the pyramids were used to harvest cosmic
energy beside the earth energy. The crystals on top of the big pyramids were
the wireless transmitters of this energy.
For more details, order and read our books Mounds and Pyramids - Who Built Them?, Science Speaks to God,, Earthly Gods from the Outer Space Are We Martians or Atlantians? - Going to the Past to Meet the Future, When Atlantis Rises Again, and New Apocalypse? - What the Ancients Knew that We Don't Know
[1] Andrew Thomas, We Were Not the First, A Bantam Book, 1972
[2] Martin Ebon (Ed.) Mysterious Pyramid Power, A Signet Book, 1976
[3] Ken Johnson, The Ancient Magic of the Pyramids, A Kangaroo Book, 1977
[4] Maria Kuman, Mounds and Pyramids – Who Built Them? Health and Happiness Books, 2000.
[5] Maria Kuman, Earthly Gods from the Outer Space, Health and Happiness Books, 2010.
[6] Maria Kuman, Science Speaks of God, Health and Happiness Books, 2005
[7] Maria Kuman, New Apocalypse? What the Ancients Knew that We Don’t Know? Health and Happiness Books, 2001.
[8] Maria Kuman, When Atlantis Rises Again, Health and Happiness Books, 2001.
[9] Maria Kuman, Are We Martians or Atlantians? Going to the Past to Meet the Future, Health and Happiness Books, 2009.
This book reveals the secrets of the pyramids – who built them, when, and for what purpose. The book also reveals the ancient history and destiny of the lost tribes of Israel and the Celts, for whom the western historians say that they don't know who these people were and from where they came. Dr. Kuman did this through searching and reading ancient texts written in the native languages of many nations.
The so-called Celts were actually a mixture of many tribes. They came from Asia, but they were not Asian tribes. They were descendants of Noah mixed with Aryans, who fled to Middle Asia after the local flood of the Black Sea 7,000 years ago (dated by Dr. Ballard, who discovered Titanic). When 5,000 years later the Asian Celts went back to Europe, the Greeks called them 'Kelti', which means 'Strangers' in Greek, and the Romans called them 'Galli', which means 'Strangers' in their Latin language.
Thus, if you are a Caucasian: Celt, Welsh, Hun, Bulgarian, from the lost tribes of Israel, or Native American (Cherokee, Oneida, Seneca, Dakota, Iroquois), you must read this book about your glorious ancestors. They were descendants of Japheth, son of Noah, mixed with Aryans. The oldest cities, uncovered south of Ararat on Turkish territory and dated 7500 B.C., were most likely the first cities built after Noah's Flood of 7500 B.C. (according to study of glaciers).
If Noah's people built cities and irrigation facilities, as they did, they must have had advanced agriculture. The truth about the glorious civilized ancestry of Noah's descendants was in ancient manuscripts stored in the library of Alexandria. But the library was burned and now we are trying to piece together the truth by comparing ancient texts with archeological, anthropological, and genetic studies.