rofessior Kuman provides a number of holistic health classes and events from time to time. This page lists the classes, workshops and events that she produces. Classes and workshops are provided as needed, so if you are interested, please contact Professor Kuman and let her know of your interest. Contact information is in the footer of all her web pages. News and events and class schedules are posted in her blog at www.mariakuman.blogspot.com.
Learn about the relation between the ancient chakras, which we now measure as vortices of the nonlinear electromagnetic field of our body, and the endocrinal glands, the balance of which determines our behavior and mental health. It is based on the books by Professor Kuman, “Yoga - Health Benefits, Wisdom, and Science”,
“Find Your Soul Mate - Secrets of the Soul”, and “Quantum Mind and Quantum Growth.”
Aging backward? You will ask in disbelief. Yes, you can age backward. What do you do when your printer stops working or starts malfunctioning? You may buy a new one if you have the money, or you may clean and lubricate the old one and use it for more years to come. What if your body starts malfunctioning? Don't you think cleansing would help to restore its functioning for many more years to come?
The oldest man that ever lived on planet Earth died at age 256 in China. When asked, before he passed away, what is the secret of his longevity, his answer was "inner peace and periodic cleansing."
we periodically change the filters of our cars and air-conditioning systems in the house because we know that if we don't do it, they will get congested, their efficiency will decrease and finally they will stop working. The same should be with our body. Why do we expect our body to keep working without ever being cleansed? All the more that the amount of fiber we eat (which does some cleansing) is much less than what it should be.
Enroll in the class Aging Backward to learn how to cleanse your body periodically and age backward. I did such cleansing at age 60 when I started having too much pain - I couldn't make a step without pain. Not only did my pain disappear, my energy went up and I started running everywhere I go in the way I did 20 years before my pain and misery started.
Are you are interested in keeping your health by using natural substances? Enroll in our Holistic Herbal Class. We will teach you the art of knowing the basic herbs, knowing the herbs you need to keep your health, and knowing the herbs you need to restore your health. This class is based on Professor Kuman's book, “Delicious Herbal and Folk Remedies.”
The Holistic Yoga Class offers a system of mild physical exercises designed to balance the body and keep it healthy. It is based Professor Kuman's book, "Yoga Health Benefits, Wisdom and Science" and on her knowledge of the human body.
The Holistic Yoga Class offers a system of mild physical exercises designed to balance the body and keep it healthy. It is based on profound knowledge of the body. Special exercises are offered for people with health troubles designed to improve their health.
Holistic Yoga Class is offered every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 pm at the University of Tennessee Knoxville. You are welcome to join us. Contact us to enroll at holisticare@mariakuman.com.
If you want a happy harmonious marriage, you need to enroll in this class. We will teach you that your marriage could be harmonious and happy only if you marry a Soul Mate and we will explain to you exactly what Soul Mate means. It is based on the book by Prof. Kuman, “Find Your Soul Mate – Secrets of the Soul.”
Enroll in this class, if you want to know how to raise healthy, smart and talented kids. It is based on the book of Prof. Kuman, “How to Raise Healthy, Smart, and Talented Kids.”
Enroll in this class to learn the secrets of the pyramids – it will be a fascinating journey to the past. You will learn why the pyramids were built, who built them, and when. The class is based on the book by Prof. Kuman, “Mounds and Pyramids – Who Built Them?”
Enroll in this class to learn the whole truth about the global warming we are experiencing. It is based on the book by Professor Kuman, “New Apocalypse? What the Ancient Knew that We Don’t Know.”
Enroll in this class to learn about the glorious history of our civilization, which started after Noah’s Flood. The so-called Noah’s Flood took place when the huge polar ice caps of the Big Ice Age were melting 9,500 years ago and all the seas were rising fast enough for men to see the effects in their lifetime. The history since Noah’ Flood is reflected in Prof. Kuman’s book, “Ancient History since Noah’s Flood How Modern Science Shapes It.” The origins of Celts, Welsh, Saxons, Brits, Aryans, Slavs, and others is revealed.
Interested in the history of humanity on Earth? Don’t miss this fascinating journey to the past. Enroll in this class to learn that the humanity on earth as we know it started 2 million years ago. The information was derived from ancient sources and supported by archeological evidence. It is based on the book by Prof. Kuman, Are We the Martians or The Atlantians? Going to the Past to Meet the Future and the fiction book based on real science by Mary Wise, When Atlantis Rises Again.
Are you interested in how was the Universe created and how it functions? Enroll in this class, which describes the dynamic of creation of the Universe and its present dynamic. It is a fascinating cosmic journey. Enroll in the class to experience it. The class is based on the book by Professor Kuman, Science Speaks to God…
Interested in the concept of ether? Enroll in this class, in which the concept of ether will be discussed from the viewpoint of the latest discoveries in Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Energy Medicine. Enroll in the class to experience the necessity to bring back the old concept of ether. It is based on the book by Prof. Kuman, Science Speaks to God… and Quantum Mind and Quantum Growth… (See above)